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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lazy Sunday... so let's meet a newborn boy. [Essex NJ Newborn Photographer]

Meet 9 day old Baby M. Absolutely adorable. Gave us a teeny run for our money but once again mama's milk to the rescue and he was out cold. That's about the only thing that was cold as we all were sweating trying to keep him sleepy and warm. I must say all the sweat was worth it as we captured some fabulous images!!!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

He's the pepper at 8 days old [Bergen NJ Newborn Photographer]

It was a beautiful morning today and spending time with D and her boys just 17 months later was fabulous. I have done maternity shots both times for her She calls them her salt and pepper and you can see why. What a happy big brother.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

NYC Newborn Twins!!!! [Essex NJ, NYC Newborn Photographer]

There are only a few things I will go into NYC for because even though I grew up 7 miles from the George Washington Bridge me and the city don't get along. So you ask what is it that i went into the city for.. NEWBORN TWINS!! How could I say no when their Aunt even offered to drive me. So yesterday morning we packed up the car and headed through the tunnel. I was like a tourist, it was pretty funny driving on Bleeker street saying hey I have been here before and seeing the record store and wondering if that was the famous one. 
Ok enough about me, let's meet the 4 week old boy/girl twins. Congrats mom and dad!!!

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

11 day old little sister. [Essex NJ Newborn photographer]

What an adventure getting to this little ones house. See here in NJ we are being invaded by the 17 year cicadas. It was so loud when I opened the door of my car!! Those big bugs are GROSS!!! Well once past them I was greeted by such a sleepy little girl that did fabulous for our session in the exact spot where we did her big sisters photos as you can see here.

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All images copyright of Becca Kaye Photos 2013. Powered by Blogger.